Born in Boston, USA
Lives and works in Zürich, CH

Solo Shows (selection)

2012 Around Life‘s Central Park, cur. Erik Stephan, Kunstsammlung Städtische Museen
Jena, DE (catalogue)

2011 Mothers Tankstation, Dublin, IRE
Endless Ends, Jones Centre for Contemporary Art, Austin, TX, USA
Coverology, Freymond-Guth Fine Arts Ltd., Zurich, CH
Centre Dürrenmatt, Neuchâtel,CH

2010 Lokal_30 London Project, London, UK
Le Cabanon, espace d’art contemporain, Université de Lausanne, CH
(with Jennifer Morris) cur. Melissa Rerat & Ana Catarino Lopes

2009 After The Empire, The Kitchen, New York, USA
Of Our Elaborate Plans, DBA Christian Haye/ The Project, New York, USA
Secrets, one day solo show, sic! Raum für Kunst, Luzern, CH

2008 Death Valley, Freymond-Guth & Co, Fine Arts, Zürich, CH
After The Empire,Lokal_30, Warsaw, PL
After The Empire, Parrotta Contemporary Art, Stuttgart, DE

2007 Samples, Kunstmuseum Solothurn, CH (catalogue)

2006 Supernova, Occurence Centre d’art et d’essai contemporains, Montreal, CAN

2005 Peripheral Area, Tokyo Wonder Site Shibuya, in collaboration with the
VideoartCenter Tokyo, JP

2004 Where Is The Poison, Kunsthaus Baselland, Muttenz (catalogue), CH
Contemporary Tales, a certain general, Halle für Kunst e.V., Lüneburg, DE

2003 I Will Not KYSS (Keep Your Secrets Secret) Anymore,
Centre d’Arts scéniques Contemporain Arsenic, Lausanne, CH (publication)
ADN/ARN - phase #3, Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris, F

2002 ADN/ARN - phase #2, Centre d’Arts scéniques Contemporain Arsenic, Lausanne, CH

2001 Pretty Pretty, a Rendezvous, 10 installations/videos in a bunker, Lausanne, CH
ADN/ARN - Any Deal Now/ Any Reality Now - phase #1,
a filmed installation/performance, Festival Les Urbaines, Lausanne, CH

Group Shows (selection)

Empire of cinema, cur. Karina Karaeva, National Centre for contemporary arts
Moskow, Nizhny Novgorod Branch, RU
A Sunday in the Mountains, cur. Gianni Jetzer, Swiss Institute, New York
I am your neighbor! Young artists and portraiture, Bromer Art Collection, Roggwil-
Kaltenherberg, CH
Frieze New York, with Freymond-Guth fine Arts
Qui aurait pu imaginer une chose pareille?, Maison de la Catalanéité, Perpignan, FR
Video Lounge, A Selection of Contemporary Swiss and Indian Videos, New Delhi, IN
Creative Assemblages – When aesthetics meet the economy or what do they have in
common? | cur. Dimitrina Sevova, Mürteza Fidan & Melih T. Görgün, Siemens Sanat,
Istanbul, TR
BINZ39 und VFO - Verein Für Originalgrafik, Stiftung BINZ39, Zurich, CH

Gaze & Lust, Sexuality in Contemporary Art, cur. Eli Okkenhaug, Bergen Kunstmuseum, Bergen, NO
Other Stories, cur. Diana Georgiou; 50-1 Gallery, Limassol, Cyprus
Making History, cur. Klaus Görner & Bernd Reiß, MMK Museum fuer Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt/Main, DE
Reality Manifestos, or Can Dialecticts Break Bricks? cur. Dimitrina Sevova, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Wien, AT

2010-2012 project 35, ICI - Independent Curators International, NY, USA and others
cur. Mirjam Varadinis

Nuit Blanche, Paris, FR
cur. Alexia Fabre, Frank Lamy
The Global Contemporary. Art Worlds after 1989, ZKM Museum für Neue Kunst, Karlsruhe, DE
cur. Peter Weibel, Hans Belting
Werk- und Atelierstipendien der Stadt Zürich, Helmhaus, Zürich, CH
landscape of the future, Regress-Progress, Laboratory of the Future, Center for Contemporary, Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw / PL
cur. Fabio Cavallucci
Môtiers 2011 biennale, Art en plein air, Môtiers, CH
Art Boom, Festival of Contemporary Visual Arts, Krákow, PL
cur. Martin Golebiewski, Magda Binczycka
Alive, She Cried, Galerie Zink, Berlin, DE
cur. Reynold Reynolds
Café des Rêves, eine Videoausstellung, Helmhaus, Zurich, CH
cur. Videocompany
L’idée de nature, Entre Land Art, l’art environnemental et la destruction créative,
Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Mulhouse, FR
cur. Bettina Steinbruegge
The art of urban intervention, Emil Filla Gallery, Usti nad Labem, CZ
cur. Michal & Zdena Kolecek
Daydream Believer!!, Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum, Tokyo, JP
Fragile: Handle with care, Lu.C.C.A. Lucca Center of Contemporary Art, Lucca, IT cur. Carolina Lio
The endless end (with Ivana Falconi, Andrée Julikà Tavares, Gianluca Monnier), Kunsthalle Lugano, CH,
cur. Desiree Vringer
The Geneva Window (with Mark Leckey, Steve Claydon, Dara Birnbaum, Lewis Klahr), The Lab, Dublin, IR,
cur. Isobel Harbison
Art in the Auditorium, Whitechapel Gallery, London, UK, Kunsthaus Zürich, CH and others
cur. Mirjam Varadinis
WELTTHEATER. Die Sammlung migros museum für gegenwartskunst, Zurich, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz,LI

2010 Polderlicht, an exhibtion route in Amsterdam, NL
We are not what we seem, screening, cur. by Simone Neuenschwander
ImageMovement, Sprüth Magers, Berlin, DE
Ibrido - Genetica delle forme d’arte, PAC Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea, Milano, IT
The Economy of the Gift, A-Foundation, Liverpool, UK
This is love?, ARoS Kunstmuseum, Arhus, DK, cur. Pernille Taagaard Dinesen
Schritte ins Verbogene, Kunst und das Geheimnisvolle, Kunstmuseum Thurgau, CH, cur. Dorothee Messmer
No more bad girls? Unpossessing femininity, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna,
cur. Kathrin Becker, Claudia Marion Stemberger, in coll.with Andrea Sunder-Plassmann
Ice Age - White Age, Kunstverein KISS, im Schloss Untergröningen,
Abtsgmünd Untergröningen,
cur. Dr.Otto Rothfuss & Margarete Rebmann
Inner City, Porto Alegre, Brasil
Fröhliche Gesellschaft – Editionen, Centre d’édition contemporaine Genève &
Galerie Parrotta, Stuttgart, 12.02-27.03

2009 Baker’s Dozen, Cafe Gallery Projects, London, UK, cur. Clare Goodwin
Transparent layers (with Rosalind Nashashibi & Haegue Yang), Alte Fabrik
Rapperswil-Jona, CH cur. Fanny Gonella
Faces, Galerie Magda Danysz, Shanghai, China
Ausserdem – Triennale, Kunst im öffentlichen Raum, Ludwigsburg, DE
Ausserdem Begleitausstellung, Galerie 5räume, Ludwigsburg, DE
Dialogue of the Generations, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal/Basel, CH,
cur. Andrea Domesle & Niggi Messerli,
Fotofestiwal09, Tickle Attack, Lodz Art Centre, PL
Sound of Music, Collection FRAC Nord-Pas de Calais, cur. Hilde Teerlinck
Turner Contemporary, Margate, UK
2. Bienal del Fin del Mundo, Ushuaia/Argentina, cur. Alfons Hug, 23.04-31.05
Shifting Identities, CAC - Contemporary Art Center, Vilnius / Lithuania, cur. Mirjam Varadinis, 10.04-24.05
Communism of Forms, Art Gallery of York University, Toronto, cur. Marcelo Re zende & Fernando Oliva, Emelie Chhangur & Earl Miller, 8.04-14.06
Sound of Music, Turner Contemporary Project Space, Margate, cur. Hilde Teerlinck, 4.04-14.06
Blanc comme neige, collection FRAC Lorraine, Mairie de Le Tholy, cur. Béatrice Josse, 2-28.02


2008 Communism of Forms, Art Gallery of York University, Toronto, CAN
cur. Marcelo Rezende & Fernando Oliva, Emelie Chhangur & Earl Miller,
Shifting Identities, CAC - Contemporary Art Center, Vilnius / Lithuania,
cur. Mirjam Varadinis
2. Bienal del Fin del Mundo, cur. Alfons Hug, Ushuaia, Patagonia, Argentina
Backlight International Photography Triennale, Fluss NÖ, Wolkersdorf,
AU/ TR 1 Art Center, Tampere, FIN
Ladies Only, Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, CH
Sound of Music II, FRAC, Nord-Pas de Calais, F
Diana and Actaion. The Forbidden Sight Of Nudity, Kunst Palast Museum,
Düsseldorf, D
Shifting identities. (Schweizer) Kunst heute, Kunsthaus Zurich, CH
Walking On Thin Ice, Artnews Projects, Berlin, DE
True Love, Villa Merkel, Munich, DE
Comme des bêtes: Ours, chat, cochon et Cie, Musée cantonale des Beaux Arts,
Lausanne, CH
New Acquisitions, Seedamm collection, Pfäffikon, CH
Tickle Attack, Backlight, 8th International Photographic Triennial, Tampere, FIN
Binz39 Residents Show, Zurich, CH

2007 Zeigt her eure Körper, zeigt her eure Seelen, Lothringerstr. 13, München
True Romance, Kunsthalle zu Kiel, DE, Museum Villa Stuck, Munich, DE
Line [cross the], Villa Bernasconi, Geneva, CH
Declassified Days, New Museum, New York, US
Under My Skin, Galerie Magda Danysz, Paris, FR
Destroy Athens, 1st Athens Biennale, Athens, GR
Chronicles of the Super-Ego, Freymond-Guth & Co, Fine Arts, Zurich, CH
Cahiers d’artistes 2006-2007, Centre d’art contemporain Fri-Art, Fribourg, CH
Stipendien für Bildende Kunst der Stadt Zürich 2007, Helmhaus, Zurich, CH
Communism of forms, Galeria Vermelho, Sao Paolo, BR
I Sotterranei dell’Arte, Antico Monastero delle Agostiniane, Monte Carasso, CH,
cur. Boris Magrini (catalogue)
Une question de génération, Musée d’Art Contemporain, Lyon, F
cur. Michel Ritter (catalogue)
2007 Werk- und Atelier Stipendien Bildende Kunst Kanton Zürich 2007, Zurich, CH
Poetic Country, Ferenbalm-Gurbrü Station, Karlsruhe, DE,
cur. Lukas & Sebastian Baden
Videokunst, Stampa Galerie, Basel, CH, cur. Videocompany

2006 I could be you, Fluctuating images. contemporary media art e.V. in collaboration
with Akademie Schloss Solitude & the 20.Stuttgarter Filmwinter, Stuttgart,DE
cur. Alexandra Blaettler & Jen Liu
The Last Blue Sky, Mother’s Tankstation, Dublin, cur. Finola Jones, IRE
Die Grosse Geste/The Big Scene, Emotionalität in der aktuellen Videokunst,
Magazin 4, Vorarlberger Kunstverein, Bregenz, AT, cur. Suzanne Neubauer
Stile Der Stadt, Kunst und Konsumarchitecktur, Art-project in Altona,
Grosse Bergstrasse, Hamburg, DE, cur. Filomeno Fusco & Dirck Moellmann
Partenaire Particulier, Espace Paul Ricard, Paris, F
cur. Mathilde Villeneuve & Claire Moulène
Everything is wrong, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal, CH,cur. Antonia Donzé-van Saanen
Family, You, Me and the Trajectories of a Post-Everything Era,
PROGR, Zentrum für Kulturproduktion, Bern, CH
cur. by Mona Marzouk & Bassam El-Baroni (catalogue)
Cooling Out – on the paradox of feminism, Lewis Glucksman Gallery,
University College Cork, IRE, cur. Rene Zechlin,
+ Halle für Kunst e.V., Lüneburg, DE cur. Bettina Steinbruegge,
+ Kunsthaus Baselland, Muttenz, CH, cur. Sabine Schaschl
Le Grand Opening, Freymond-Guth & Co Fine Arts, Zurich, CH
We make books with art, JRP/Ringier/Galerie Christophe Daviet-Thery, Paris, F
invitation by Ari Marcopoulos & Lionel Bovier
No more bad girls? Unpossessing femininity, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna, AU                                                                      
cur. Kathrin Becker & Claudia Marion Stemberger,
in coll.with Andrea Sunder-Plassmann  

2005 Seins à Dessein, Musée Arlaud, Lausanne, CH,
organized by Francine Delacrétaz & Dr. Marie-Christine Gailloud-Matthieu
Theatrum Mundi, Centre d’art contemporain Fri-Art, Fribourg, CH
Signes Quotidiens, Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris, F
cur. Michel Ritter & Laurence Mauderli
Family, You, Me and the Trajectories of a Post-Everything Era,

2004 Alexandria Contemporary Art Forum, Alexandria, EG
cur. Mona Marzouk & Bassam El-Baroni (catalogue)
Videogeschichten von Carlos Aires, Jen Liu, Melvin Moti, Elodie Pong,
Galleria Laurin, Zurich, CHcur. Alexandra Blaettler

2003 Re:view/Collection, Switzerland’s most promising young video artists,
migros museum für gegenwartskunst, Zurich
Accrochage 03, Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne, F
Urban Diaries, Young Swiss Art, Alcala 31, Madrid, ES
cur. Sabine Schaschl & Martin Schwander (catalogue)
Montrer Cacher, Musée Arlaud, Lausanne, CH cur. Claudia Renna & Pierrine Jan
Restons Zen, Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris, F, cur. Michel Ritter
Female Turbulence, Galerie Aeroplastics, Bruxelles, B, cur. Jérôme Jacobs
L’Air du Temps - collection printemps/été 2004, migros museum
für gegenwartskunst, Zurich, CH, cur. Heike Munder & Raphael Gygax
Accrochage 04, Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne, CH
I Need You - autour de l’interaction entre l’art et le public, Centre PasquArt,
Bienne, CH, cur. Dolores Denaro, Beate Engel & Bernhard Bischoff (catalogue)
Interactions Fictives, Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne, CH
cur. Nicole Schweizer (catalogue)
Esprit es-tu là?, Musée de la Fondation Verdan, Lausanne, CH

2002 X, Centre d’art contemporain Fri-Art, Fribourg, CH
Invex, Video Generation from Europe & Japan, Videoart Center Tokyo, JP
cur. Kentaro Taki (publication)
Telepidemic, Art Village Center, Kobe (publication)


Festivals & Screenings (selection)

2011 Zeppelin Universität, Friedrichshafen-Bodensee, cur. Ulrike Shepherd, DE
YIFAAV - Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions 2011: Day dream Believer!! Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, JP
cur. Keiko Okamura

2010 VideoZone V, International Video Art Biennial, Tel Aviv & Jerusalem, IL
Cairo Video Festival, EG
Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur, cur. Mirjam Varadinis, CH
Sjöhistoriska museet, cur. Anna Linder for PRIDE 2010, Stockholm, SE
Detroit’s Northend, cur. Ashley Cook, USA
Schweizerischer Kongress für Kunstgeschichte, Universität Bern, CH
Videokunst aus der Schweiz, Aargauer Kunsthaus, CH
Festival des Films sur l’Art de Montréal, The Curated Box Project, by Videocompany,
Montreal, CAN
Futurity Now!, Transmediale, Berlin, DE
Solothurne Filmtage, Solothurn, CH
Stuttgarter Filmwinter, DE
Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, DE
Signal&Noises, Media Art Festival, Vancouver, CAN

2009 Kunstmuseum Bern, CH
Universität der Künste Berlin, DE, Hito Steyerl’s seminar
Here we are, There we go, Montevideo, Amsterdam, NL
Tampere Film Festival, Swissfilms selection
c.sides-festival, Tel Aviv, IL
L’Alternativa Exchanges at
EMAF. European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück
Signes de Nuit, París
Amsterdam Film Experience Festival
Dance Camera: Locked & Loaded, screening,
part of the ongoing series ‘Conversations at the Edge’
presented by The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and the Gene Siskel Center,
Chicago, USA

2008 IFCT- The Int’l Festival of Cinema and Technology, festival on tour, USA
CPH:DOX - Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival, DK
Platforma, Athens, Videoex selection on tour
Northern Film Festival, Leeuwarden and Isle of Vlieland, NL
Monitoring, Kasseler Dokumentarfilm & Videofest, DE
Milwaukee Art Museum, USA
Artrmx Cologne, vol.1
Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival
Cortopotere Short Film Festival, Bergamo, IT
Videoex, Zurich, CH
Topovidéographies, cur. GIV–Groupe Intervention Vidéo & Chantal Molleur, Kino
Metropoli, Hamburg, DE
Internationales Frauenfilm Festival, Dortmund, DE
EMAF-European Media Art Festival Osnabrück, DE
Hotdocs, Canadian International Documentary Festival, Toronto, CAN
Diagonales - Graz, Kurzfilmage Winterthur selection on tour, CH
Vidéoformes, Clermont-Ferrand, F
Topovidéographies, cur. GIV–Groupe Intervention Vidéo & Chantal Molleur,
Lodypop Kunstraum, Basel, CH

2007 Kunstsalon #2, 30 movies of 30 artists from 30 years of video art, Berlin, DE
cur.Johannes Hedinger/com&com
Victoria Independant Film Festival, Victoria, CAN
Festival International du 1er Film, Section Nouvelles Images, Annonay, F
Transmediale, Berlin, DE
Solothurner Filmtage, Solothurn, CH
Topovidéographies, QC/CH, cur. Groupe Intervention Vidéo (GIV) & Chantal
Molleur, Maison de la culture du Plateau Mont-Royal, CAN
The Times BFI-British Film Institute London Festival, cur. Mark Webber, UK
Shift Festival, Basel, cur. Nicole Schweizer, CH
12ème Biennale de l‘Image en Mouvement, Genève, CH
Transat Video, Caen, F
Tour of EMAF-Europeen Media Art Festival, 2007-2008
Impakt Highlights, Second Nature program, ESG-21 Art Center, St-Petersburg, RU
National Center for Contemporary Arts, Moskow, RU
E-Flux Video Rental / EVR, Biennale de Lyon, F
Matilde, Show Room 6, Andrejsala, Riga, Latvia, LV
Nuit de la vidéo - (H)eros, Luxembourg et Grande Région
(Sarre, Lorraine, Luxembourg, Wallonie), Capitale européenne de la Culture 2007
a project of Frac Lorraine, Casino Luxembourg, Saarlandmuseum/Sarrebruck, F, DE
Musée d‘Art Moderne et Contemporain/Liège, & Pôle Européen Culturel/Athus, BE
Videoex International Experimental Film & Video Festival, Zurich , CH
Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, DE

2006 E-flux Video Rental / EVR, Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris, F
Festival F World, Rote Fabrik, Zurich, CH
EMAF, European Media Art Festival, Osnabrueck, DE
Festival Nemo, Paris, F
Impakt festival, Utrecht, NL
Festival International de Films de Femmes, Créteil, F

2005 Ursula Blicke videolounge, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna,AT
Ministry of Casual Living, cur. Brian MacDonald, Victoria, CAN
Play Forward, 59° Festivale internationale del film Locarno, CH
Arteleku, cur. Ion Mundate & Blanca Calvo, San Sebastian, ES
Kunstart Festival, cur. Jean-Christophe Blaser, Neuchâtel,
CHGeorges Abstraction Surface Air,
Monthly Video Program, cur. Nicolas Trembley /
Bureau Des Vidéos, Georges Restaurant, Centre Pompidou, Paris, F
Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, D
2004 11e Biennale de l’Image en Mouvement, Geneva (competition), CH
Off Pop Festival, cur. Matthias Fritsch & Melissa De Raaf, Berlin, DE
11th annual Victoria Independant Film & Video Festival, Victoria/Canada
Festival Nemo, Paris, F
See What Happens, narrative structures in recent film and video works,
cur. Bettina Steinbruegge,
Museum of Modern Art Belgrade,
+ New Media Center, Novi Sad, JUG
International Women’s Film Festival, Rehovot, IL
Lieblings Video Night, cur. HansPeter Hofmann, Museum für Gegenwartskunst,
Basel, CH
39. Solothurner Filmtage, Solothurn, CH
Kulturfabrik, in collaboration with the Musée d’art moderne Grand-Duc Jean,
cur. Bady Minck, Luxembourg
Video In der Dampfzentrale, Bern, cur. Lisa Frei, CH
Your Private Sky, Festival Internationale Spettacolo Contemporaneo, Bologna, IT
Vidéoformes, manifestation internationale d’arts vidéo et nouveaux médias,
Clermont-Ferrand, F
Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris, F
2nd Chicago International Documentary Festival, Chicago, USA
Halle für Kunst e.V., Lüneburg , DE
Breakthrough, Modern Art GEM Museum, The Hague, NL
Festival Dürrenmatt, Singapore
Impakt, Utrecht, NL
Best of Shadows festival, Groningen, NL
Rencontres Interdisciplinaires Art et Science, Pudeurs/Impudeurs,
en collaboration avec le Musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne, CH
Les Instants Vidéo, Marseilles, F
Catch me if you can‘, during the Basel Museums night

2003 Forum d’Art Contemporain, Sierre, CH
Visions du Réel, festival de cinéma international, Nyon, CH
10ème Biennale de l’Image en Mouvement, Genève (competition), CH
Viper, Internationales Festival für Film Video und neue Medien, Basel, CH
Les Instants Vidéo, Manosque, F
Shadow documentary film festival, Amsterdam + Eidhoven & Groningen, NL


2004 Catch me if you can‘, during the Basel Museums night

2003 I Will Not KYSS Anymore, Centre d’Arts scéniques Contemporain Arsenic, Lausanne


2005 Switzerland and the Arts, Panel Discussion at the Swiss Embassy, London, UK
with Marc Spiegler (Co-Director, Art Basel), Iwan Wirth (Hauser & Wirth), 
Tim Steiner Artwork (“Tim” by Wim Delvoye), Alain de Botton
(Writer / Philosopher), Theodora Vischer (Schaulager), Elodie Pong (Artist),
and more                

Awards and Grants

2009 Winner of Winterthur shortfilm price for “After The Empire”,
Winterthur Shortfilm festival

2007 Werkbeitrag Bildende Kunst Kanton Zurich
Namics Art Prize
UBS Art Prize
Videoex 1st Prize

2006-08 Studio programme Stiftung Binz39, Zurich

2006 Swiss Art Award
Werkbeitrag Bildende Kunst Kanton Zurich

2004-05 A1move studio, Zurich

2003 Swiss Award Viper Basel
Prix Jeunes créateurs Beaux-arts,
Fondation Vaudoise pour la promotion et la création artistiques

2002 Bourse du Fonds d’encouragement à la création interdisciplinaire, SSA

2001 Re:view video + film Award
Fondation Gleyre

Collections (selection)

FRAC Lorraine, Metz, France
FRAC Calais Pas de Nord, Dunkique, France
Musée cantonale des beaux arts, Lausanne, Switzerland
Migros Musuem für Gegenwartskunst, Zürich, Switzerland
Kunsthaus, Zürich, Switzerland
Reydan Weiss Collection, Germany
Thomas & Cristina Bechtler Collection, Zürich, Switzerland
Namics Collection, St. Gallen, Switzerland
Seedamm Kulturzentrum, Pfäffikon, Switerland
private collections in Switzerland, USA , Germany, France, Canada


2010 Je ne peux pas faire quelque chose qui ne raconte rien, in coll. with Gabi
Deutsch &Michael
Hiltbrunner, FAR festival des arts vivants, Nyon, 11-21.08
2004 Catch me if you can, Basel Museums night
2003 I Will Not KYSS Anymore, Centre d’Arts scéniques Contemporain Arsenic, Lausanne
(publication/critical essay)