Discoteca Flaming Star
Cristina Gomez Barrio *1973 Madrid, E
Wolfgang Mayer * 1967 Kempten, D
Based in Berlin, D
Cristina Gomez Barrio
2005 – 2006 Whitney Independent Study Program, NY, USA
2005 Fundacion Marcelino Botin Grant, Spain
2003 ISCP. New York (supported by INJUVE. Spain)
1998 – 1999 DAAD–Caixa. Grant for the Akademie der Bildenden Künste,
München, D
1997 – 2002 phD Program, Departamento de Historia del Arte, Bellas Artes,
UCM. Madrid, E
Wolfgang Mayer
2006 – 2007 Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant
2005 – 2006 Whitney Independent Study Program, NY, USA
2005 Prinzregent Luitpold Scholarship, München, D
1998 Debutant 98, München, D
1996 – 1997 DAAD-Scholarship for New York City (School of Visual Arts. Dept. for Photography and related media), NY, USA
1993 Scholarship for the Summeracademy in Salzburg to study with Nan Goldin
1990 – 1995 Academy of Fine Arts, München, D
Discoteca Flaming Star is an interdisciplinary artistic and collaborative performance project, a rock band, or rather, a group of persons that plays songs, understanding them as a personal response to political, social and historical events.
Through conceptual and musical transformations of/in/around the songs they try to create visuals, text scenographies and a musical frame in which one of the main aims is to challenge the memory of the audience: moving it into unexpected collective and individual memory-territories. A memory for something in the future, for something that has not happened yet and maybe never will. Through the old that has not happened, the new is interrogated.
They are irreverent, dissolute fans exploiting their own knowledge and lack thereof, staging the desire to be on stage and showing off. Inspired by Anita Berber, Warhol’s Wig, Ghosts, Rita McBride’s Arena, Gregg Bordowitz, Mary Shelley, Karl Valentin & Lisl Karlstadt, the Vienna Group, Alvaro, Joey Arias and Raven O, they have called the outcome of what they do “hardcore karaoke”.
Discoteca Flaming Star presents songs about love, consumption, fervor and feminism. Belly-dancing, tearjerkers, wonderfully bad songs and things that go together, even though they shouldn’t.
Cristina Gomez Barrio and Wolfgang Mayer work since 1998 as the foundation of Discoteca Flaming Star.
e= exhibition c= catalogue p= performance o=other
Performances/ Exhibitions/ Others (selection)
2012 Kunstverein Frankfurt, Frankfurt, DE (e, p)
Le Grand Relay: Round II, Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zürich, CH (e, p)
Celebrating another World, De Appel, Amsterdam, NL (e)
Anger and Depression, n.b.k. Video-Forum, Berlin (o)
2011 Solo exhibition, Gallery September, Berlin, DE (e)
Früher München heute Berlin, Rathausgalerie, Munich, DE (e)
DESTINO: BERLÍN / ZIELORT: BERLIN, Studio 1, Berlin, DE, (e)
Banner Study for an Agora, District Stiftung, Berlin, DE (e)
Arcade Fine Arts, with Alisa Margolis and Megan Sullivan, London, UK (e)
Zeig Her, Fuehr Vor, Rausch Rein, with Johannes Paul Raether & Discoteca Flaming Star, Basso and General Public, Berlin, DE (p)
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart, DE (e)
Once again: With all our love for the love of Orlando, Salon Populaire, Berlin, DE (o)
La Chançon, Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Seville, Spain (e)
Mano a mano con General Cardenas, Monument Mano Gigante, Antimuseo, Mexico City, MEX (p)
Dia-Installation „Chandeliers“ de WM, cur. by Alena Williams, Arsenal, Berlin, DE (o)
Voilà, Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart, Stuttgart, DE (o)
Talk, Düsseldorf Aka, Düsseldorf, DE (o)
Filmscreening/performance, a part of localhost, Ausstellungshalle zeitgenössische Kunst Münster, Münster, DE (p)
A Musical (La Mano Gigante), Performance at symposium „Ästhetik des Fleisches - vom Kannibalismus zum Inkarnat,“ Heusteigtheater, Stuttgart, DE (p)
2010 Void of White, Villa Romana, Florence, IT (p)
A Thousand Endless Tales - Dancing the Line of Flight (Story Telling), curated by Dimitrina Sevova, White Space, Zurich, CH (e)
Antes que todo-Before everything, Centro de Arte dos de Mayo, Madrid E (e)
Solo presentation in light, camera, action at abc- art berlin contemporary (e)
Thema Frau, September , Berlin, DE (e)
Diskurshexe 1 (e), September in collaboration with Knoth & Krüger, Berlin, DE (e)
Fischgraetenmelkstand, Temporäre Kunsthalle, Berlin, DE (e)
Jaccouzi of Muddy Tears (p)
On anger/ Über Wut, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, DE (e, p)
On Drawing, Galerie Olaf Stüber, Berlin, (e)
Ein Einzelbild im “Gruppenbild”, n.b.k., Berlin. (e)
In A Shadow Box, drawings by CGB, Galerie Crystal Ball, Berlin, DE (e)
What kind of passion, Piero?, SEACEX, Sociedad Estatal para la Acción Cultural Exterior, ES, Stockmarket Valparaiso, Chile (p)
2009 INGRID(Inzwischen), Performa 09, The Performance Project/ University
Settlement, NYC, USA (p)
Sara Violet Paris Moses (For Paul Robeson), at Maus Habitos, Porto, PT (p)
Character Generator, curated by Matthew Lyons, Eleven Rivington, New York (e)
The New Omega Workshops, September, Berlin, D (e)
für Boris für Ingrid, Freymond-Guth & Co. Fine Arts, Zurich, CH (e)
Reihe:Ordnung sagt - Freiheit mit DFS, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof,
Hamburg, DE (e)
Anda...El Tren Blindado...the creature and die liebe (2),
Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, Hamburg, DE (p)
Ausstellungsraum Samsa, Berlin, DE (e)
Antipodes ‚09, festival, Passerelle, Brest, F (s)
(Duett #2), featuring Olga Probst, Passerelle, Brest, F (p)
for boris for ingrid, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, Hamburg, DE (p)
Les métaphores politiques inscrites dans les images de la nature et du paysage,
Passerelle Centre d’art, Brest, F (e, p)
2008 DFS Book Launch, with reading and film screening, Freymond-Guth & Co.,
Zurich, CH
Performative readings and responses to the Ways series and naked came the ****,
collective novels initiated by Rita McBride in the exhibition of
Koenraad Dedobbeleer, Rita McBride, Alois Godinat, Kunsthalle Bern, CH (p)
DFS Book Launch, with film screening, General Public, Berlin, DE
DFS Book Launch, with films by Francois Boue, a performance by
Discoteca Flaming Star, an appearance of Benjamin Godsill,
The Performance Project, New York, US (p)
Walking On Thin Ice, Artnews Projects, Berlin, DE (e)
Mil Veras Mil Prinzessinen Mil Centralia, Centro de arte de mayo,
Museum for contemporary art, Mostoles (Madrid), E (e,p,c)
Retriver, curated by Dani Gal & Achim Lengerer, Smart project space,
Amsterdam, NL (p)
Fernando 2, Hermes und der Pfau, Stuttgart, DE (e)
Pop! goes the Weasel, Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe, DE (e,p)
Palace by the John Institute, Cinema Palace, St. Gallen, CH (e,p)
1,2,3...Avantgardes, Sala Rekalde, Bilbao (e,c)
2007 Ellipses (Electric Birdhouse), Tate Modern, The World As A Stage,
Arena by Rita McBride, London, UK (p)
Duett 1 performance at Museum X, Städtisches Museum Abteiberg,
Moenchengladbach, D
Duett 1 performance at amatauTV, Bilbao, E
Mutter ReGina in collaboration Rita McBride, performance at General Public,
Berlin, D
Periferiak07 Edition special, group show at Sala Recalde, Bilbao, E
Lost and Found group show at Shedhalle, Zürich CH
Banners with LTTR (NYC) Generali Fondation, Wien, A (e)
Lecture at Botanical Garden Madrid Artes Plasticas, E (p/o)
Ferndando. We were young. Full of life. None of us prepared to die.
Kiosko with Soundtrack, Madrid Abierto, E
Performance in collaboration with Rita McBride, Whitney Museum, NY, USA
Soloshow & exhibtion Freymond-Guth & Co, Fine Arts, Zürich, CH
Performance+installation Tate Modern, London, UK
2006 The Domain of the Great Bear 2/3: Dystopische Landschaft Kunstraum München, D
Terraplane Blues Curated by Kamen Nedev. La Casa Encendida, Madrid, E (e/p)
What a Great Space You Have…. Curated by Marc Glöde. Luxe Gallery, NY, USA (e)
Aladlona 2 (I love you green) The Kitchen, NY, USA (p)
Whitney Independent Study Program-Exhibition Chelsea Museum, NY, USA (e)
Rebours. Escapism and the Terror of the Sublime Curated by Michael Schultze,
General Public, Berlin, D (e)
2005 With all our love for the love of Orlando Artist Space, NY, USA
[in partnership with Performa 05] (p)
I beg your pardon or The Re-establishing of Cordial Relations Curated by
Andrea Geyer. Vera List Center for Art and Politics at The New School. NY, USA (e)
Videoarte contemporáneo de Berlin Curated by Kathrin Becker. Museo Tamayo,
Mexico City, MEX (e)
With all our love for the love of Orlando Ausland, Berlin, D (p)
Love Party Goethe Institute-Ojo Atomico, Madrid, E (p)
2004 Dance Dance Revolution! Curated by Matthew Lyons & Lanka Tattersall.
Leroy Neiman Gallery, Columbia University, NY, USA (e)
Audiovisual injuve 2003 Sala Amadís, Madrid, E (e/c)
Sexy Bloody Cat. CD. Monsters & Miracles Musikproduktionen (o)
Discoteca Guitarrera Funkstorm (DFS + El Arroyo Los Cagaos) Plaza del Pueblo,
Viandar de la Vera (p/o)
Aladlona (I love you green) Ausland, Berlin, D (p)
o.T. Big Eden, Berlin, D (p)
Sexy Bloody Cat (I hope everything you love dies in your arms) Galerie Wieland,
Berlin, D (e/p)
2003 Sexy Bloody Cat on the occasion of ‘Public Affairs’, MUMOK, Wien, A (p/c)
Radio Radio exhibition & radioprogramm, Curated by Mel Brimfield.
(CD published by Revolver Verlag) (o)
AACB/BDAC Parlour Projects, NY, USA (e/p)
Hardcore Karaoke Studio of Rita McBride & Glen Rubsamen, Köln, D (p)
2002 DFS plays Kenneth Anger Praterinsel, München, D (p)
o.T. Cheap Club, Berlin, D (p)
Königreich eine andere Welt (DFS + Dorothy Vallens) Opernpalais, Berlin, D (p)
o.T. (about Rock’n Roll) (DFS + CIB) Circo Interior Brutto, Madrid, E (p)
o.T. at Stardust Deluxe Lisa Lounge, Berlin, D (p)
2001 Roses and Paradise Kunsthall, Oslo, N (p)
Crossing The Line, Cruel but Fair Soundtrack for the Installation “Waikiki”
by Rita McBride, Queens Museum, NY, USA (o)
Waveform: Teresa Seemann & David Galbraith Media Z Lounge at New Museum of
Contemporary Art, NY, USA (e)
Discoteca Flaming Star & Ignaz Schick, Take a look at me now
Galerie Wieland, Berlin, D (e/p)
Songs of love and hate, Side A Bastard. Berlin, D (p)
55. De Sade – Reading Juliettes Literatursalon, Berlin, D (p)
The Bridal Kiss Studio of Tom Früchtl, München, D (p)
2000 Discoteca Flaming Star plays Kenneth Anger Siberia, NY, USA (p)
Discoteca Flaming Star loves to love you baby Bar XVI, NY, USA (p)
Discoteca Flaming Star plays Kenneth Anger in “Arena seatings” by Rita McBride,
Neuer Aachener Kunstverein, Aachen, D (p)
Discoteca Flaming Star does Electric R’NR Club 2, München, D (p)
Discoteca Flaming Star & Le Oktobre love to love you baby Kunstverein,
München, D (p)
Love & Avantgarde CD, White Label (o)
1999 Flaming Star at Band Wi(d)th 2000 Atomic Café, München, D (p,o)
Unter Umständen mit Frank Reinecke und Helge Slaatto Atelier
von Olaf Probst. München, D (p)
Forget Me Not #3 Bourbon Street Bar, München, D (p)
o.T. (Rote Single) Vinyl-Single, White Label (o)
1998 o.T. Schalterhalle, Elektro Festival Schalterhalle, Ulm, D (p)